Masher Goes to the White House

16 04 2009
Whew, it’s been so long since I blogged I had almost forgotten my password!  Pretty lame.  Anyway, we’ve been busy.  That’s our excuse.  After last week’s quick trip to Long Island for some gefilte fish, we came home to an invitation to attend the White House Easter Egg Roll!  And we had a pretty good time despite having to power through Masher’s normal naptime …  So, I don’t know what you all read about this year’s “egg roll,” but for those who aren’t in the know, the theme was all about healthy kids, getting exercise, and eating right.  Of course, that was obvious to us from the menu at the food tent that was our only option during the 2.5 hour wait in line (no outside food or drink was permitted).  Check it out:
The food tent menu at the 2009 White House Easter Egg Roll

The food tent menu at the 2009 White House Easter Egg Roll

You know, I’m not expecting to be served barley and kale chips, but maybe they could simply have offered apples and bananas?  How hard is it really?  

I’m going to try not to go off on a tirade here, but the whole situation was pretty funny.  Here we are, steps away from the Obama’s newly seeded organic garden, and I’m buying my starving baby an Otis Spunkmeyer artificial-blueberry-flavor-studded muffin to gobble down.  Did the President’s special advisor on food issues miss the “egg roll” planning meeting or something?  Seriously.

And that’s all I really had to say about that.  Masher seemed to enjoy the muffin, although at the point we fed it to him, he would probably have gobbled down earthworms if that’s what we had to offer.  And he also enjoyed rolling an egg a few feet down the White House lawn before the next group of kids was on the course, hastening our evacuation and sending tears down a weary Masher’s soggy face.  

Masher and the muffin

Masher and the muffin









This is your big shot, kid.  Roll that egg!

This is your big shot, kid. Roll that egg!









Oops, too late, you blew it!  Your turn's over!

Oops, too late, you blew it! Your turn's over!









The guy behind me here was introducing Winnie the Pooh with all the enthusiasm of a Harvard Law graduate stuck with a bunch of sticky toddlers.

The guy behind me here was introducing Winnie the Pooh with all the enthusiasm of a Harvard Law graduate stuck with a bunch of sticky toddlers.











The Schnells do the White House!

The Schnells do the White House!



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